April 30, 2006

a strange(r) drop.....

that commanding face
those invincible looks

enters my eyes
and pierces my heart

a strong rush of adrenalin
heart beats faster

he strikes me hard
with his exotic gaze

in those blue glassy ones
i go eerie…

he makes love
with his haunting ogle

tough is the man
ransacking my heart

draws me closer
and makes me quiver

he drools my in out
and perturbs the deep roots of my womanhood

few more minutes to go
i get off the car

but i know he still drools
through the glasses

his hands rub the place
where i was seated

gazing at me
till i disappear in the darkness ……off his sight

psst: an imagination kindled by reality


I read something wonderful y'day
it touched my heart...
thought i will share it with you buddies
and here it is a second chance

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